The chairman was Professor José Luis García Llamas, Dean of the Faculty. The event was organized to present Gilbert de Tournai's latest work, De Modo Addiscendi ('On the mode of learning'). Javier Vergara Ciordia and Virgilio Rodríguez García are the editing authors of this bilingual publication –the ninth volume to appear in the Collectio scriptorum mediaevalium et renascentium.
Herminia Calero Egido, Director of the UNED publishing house, and Francisco Calero, sub-director of GEMYR, participants in the presentation too, provided a preview of what will be the tenth volume of the Collectio: 'Juan Luis Vives, verdadero autor del Quijote' Juan Luis Vives, true author of the Quijote.
Dr. Johannes Voorbij, Advisor to the Rector of the University College Ghent (Belgium), special guest at the presentation, spoke about the origin and development of the web page about Vicente de Beauvais, the thirteenth century French encyclopedist and pedagogue.
After the lectures, Rafael Fermín Sánchez Barea, Joint secretary of GEMYR, moderated an open discussion with the audience.
A complete recording of the 3rd GEMYR's International Meeting (2014-2015), including contributions by speakers and participants, can be viewed on
The talk given by the guest speaker Dr. Johannes Voorbij can be seen on