29-30 November 2016

Interdisciplinary Seminar: Censorship and Books in the Modern Age

  • ument of defence and affirmation of the Catholic Reform)(Centre for Renaissance Studies, Canada)
  • Gregorio Bartolomé Martínez: Referentes legales de la censura eclesiástica y civil en la España Moderna (Legal references from ecclesiastical and civil censorship in modern Spain) (University of San Pablo-CEU)
  • Javier Vergara Ciordia: Los referentes institucionales de la censura librorum en la Compañía de Jesús durante la Edad Moderna (Institutional references of the librorum censura in the Company of Jesus during the Modern Age) (UNED)
  • Francisco Calero Calero: La censura a los Commentarii ad libros De civitate Dei de Juan Luis Vives (Censorship of Commentarii ad libros De civitate Dei by Juan Luis Vives). (UNED)
  • Marco Antonio Coronel Ramos: La censura y la reforma de las artes en Juan Luis Vives. (Censorship and the reformation of the arts in Juan Luis Vives) (University of Valencia).


  • Conrado Vilanou Torrano (University of Barcelona)
  • Beatriz Comella Gutiérrez (UNED)
  • Olegario Negrín Fajardo (UNED)
  • José María Hernández Díaz, (University of Salamanca)
  • Lía Viguria Guerendiain (GEMYR)
  • Rafael Fermín Sánchez Barea (UNED)

The talks and the papers from the seminar will soon be published by Editorial Dykinson.

Click on the link https://canal.uned.es/serial/index/hash/9f1f64b519d20e2ccc36e1589a8f7555.